
Hypermobile people often have poor posture – it feels like a big effort to sit or stand straight.
Hypermobile people often have joint or muscle pain.
Hypermobile people find everything is more effort, and takes more energy, so are more likely to have reduced immunity.
Hypermobile people sometimes find that exercise makes them feel worse – they are more likely to overdo it.
Hypermobility is often mis-diagnosed!

As well as seeing a Physiotherapist for the right advice on the right kind of exercise, vitamin and mineral supplememnts can really help, such as Vitamin C and D, magnesium and zinc.

Our Edgware clinic is easily accessible from Mill Hill or Stanmore.

The Green Clinic: Chartered Physiotherapists Stephen or Talia
020 8728 0625 www.edgwarephysio.com

Our Shenley clinic is easily accessible from Radlett, Borehamwood and Elstree.

The Gingerbread House: Chartered Physiotherapists Stephen or Talia
01923 852852 www.radlettphysio.co.uk